Global Methodist Certified Lay Ministry
Laity have long been the stronghold of Methodism and essential to the Wesleyan movement.
John Wesley recognized early the gifts of the laity and called them out raising up new leaders as exhorters, class leaders, and lay preachers. Today Certified Lay Ministers serve in a variety of capacities such as providing pulpit supply, conducting public worship, providing congregational care, serving as church administrator, leading small groups, assisting in program leadership, serving as a lay leader, developing new faith communities and even serving in lead pastoral leadership under the supervision of a clergyperson.
The Global Methodist Church also recognizes the importance of a lay led movement. Therefore, the
GMChurch has made certified lay ministry a priority in its foundational stages of ministry and provided this vital leadership path for lay people.
Being certified as a lay minister lets others know that you have committed to a journey of spiritual
and educational growth and want to serve Jesus Christ in an extraordinary way.
Virtual Lay Ministry School
Registration is open from September 1 - November 15, 2024.
2024 Classes will be held via ZOOM and begin December 7, 2024. Classes will be one Saturday a month
for six months from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (CDT). A link will be provided prior to each session.
The following are the courses offered with the dates they are offered:
December 7 - Understanding the Call/Spiritual Gifts - Sheri Fadley
Understanding the Call/Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire
January 18 - Global Methodist History, Polity, and Doctrine - Wes Gabel
CHAPTER 1 - Gabel Dissertation​
CHAPTER 2 - Gabel Dissertation
February 22 - Congregational Care & Ethics - Chad Lierman
March 22 - Basic Bible Training - Chet Cataldo
April 26 - Mission & Evangelism - Zach Kingery
May 31 - Church Administration (Advanced Course) - Joleen Pietrzak
June 7 - Preaching (Advanced Course) - Luann Benge
Registration is free and the only cost to the student will be books.
Please submit Registration Form to: